Careers blog

Closure of the Sue Willmott HR and the continuation of Careers Services to schools and individuals. At Sue Willmott HR & Careers Consultancy, we have reached our own crossroads. We […]
Opportunities in 2024 Opportunities for apprenticeships and similar training programmes continue to develop and grow year on year. The Department for Education have recently launched a refreshed ‘Skills for Life’ […]
Five top tips for writing a CV  When applying for jobs, whether that’s an apprenticeship, within a business or a contractor for example, a CV is often requested by those […]
A History of Apprenticeships  Apprenticeships have been a pathway into employment since 1563, although records do show Apprenticeships existing before this point. In the early years, Apprenticeships were often ‘Trades’, […]
GCSE Results Day 2023! Congratulations on completing your GCSEs, and well done on what you have achieved to date! Throughout your time in secondary school, you will have learnt new […]
A level Results Day 17th August 2023 For all students and parents/carers who are encountering results day. Firstly, before you open that envelope or email, please reflect on what you […]
All About Apprenticeships Apprenticeships can be a fantastic way to grow your team. To find apprentices, it is key that you think about the timing of when you advertise and […]
National Careers Week 2023 It’s National Careers Week! This year we want to focus on how working with local schools and colleges can benefit your business. As a HR and […]
Skills for Life – National Apprenticeship Week This year, the theme for National Apprenticeship Week is Skills for Life. To demonstrate how powerful an Apprenticeship can be, I wanted to […]
Apprenticeship Myths As it’s National Apprenticeship Week, we wanted to share with you some common myths around Apprenticeships and the truths behind them. Apprenticeships are only suitable for big companies. […]

Sue Willmott HR & Careers Consultancy

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