News & Testimonials

Closure of the Sue Willmott HR and the continuation of Careers Services to schools and individuals. At Sue Willmott HR & Careers Consultancy, we have reached our own crossroads. We […]
Opportunities in 2024 Opportunities for apprenticeships and similar training programmes continue to develop and grow year on year. The Department for Education have recently launched a refreshed ‘Skills for Life’ […]
Five top tips for writing a CV  When applying for jobs, whether that’s an apprenticeship, within a business or a contractor for example, a CV is often requested by those […]
A History of Apprenticeships  Apprenticeships have been a pathway into employment since 1563, although records do show Apprenticeships existing before this point. In the early years, Apprenticeships were often ‘Trades’, […]
GCSE Results Day 2023! Congratulations on completing your GCSEs, and well done on what you have achieved to date! Throughout your time in secondary school, you will have learnt new […]
A level Results Day 17th August 2023 For all students and parents/carers who are encountering results day. Firstly, before you open that envelope or email, please reflect on what you […]
All About Apprenticeships Apprenticeships can be a fantastic way to grow your team. To find apprentices, it is key that you think about the timing of when you advertise and […]
National Careers Week 2023 It’s National Careers Week! This year we want to focus on how working with local schools and colleges can benefit your business. As a HR and […]
Skills for Life – National Apprenticeship Week This year, the theme for National Apprenticeship Week is Skills for Life. To demonstrate how powerful an Apprenticeship can be, I wanted to […]
Apprenticeship Myths As it’s National Apprenticeship Week, we wanted to share with you some common myths around Apprenticeships and the truths behind them. Apprenticeships are only suitable for big companies. […]
National Apprenticeship Week 2023 - blog by Sue Willmott HR & Careers Consultancy.
It’s National Apprenticeship Week! What better time to take a look at the benefits of recruiting an apprenticeship, as well as the incentives and funding opportunities that may be available? […]
07/10/2022 CROSSROADS CAREERS SERVICES – ACCREDITED TO THE MATRIX STANDARD CrossRoads Careers Services has been accredited to the matrix Standard; demonstrating the high-quality Careers Education Information, Advice and Guidance Services […]
Rethinking Recruitment
Rethinking Recruitment! We recently attended The Inclusivity Project’s conference on ‘Making Work Work For Everyone’. The Inclusivity Project aims to support Cornish businesses to embrace the value of employing and supporting […]
GCSE results day 2022
GCSE Results Day  Congratulations on completing your GCSEs, and congratulations on what you have achieved to date! Your new skills  You have developed multiple skills and adapted from studying remotely […]
A-Level Results Day
A-Level Results Day  Congratulations to you all for completing your A Levels, Diplomas, T – levels and Further Education Qualifications. If everything has gone to plan, congratulations and have a […]
The benefits of Work Experience for students Students in Year 10 are often required to complete work experience, generally lasting one or two-weeks, or one day a week in the […]
As a child, what was your dream job? As I child I wanted to do anything sporty, especially football!  I played a lot of football at primary school and really […]
What’s changed? Last year we released a series of short blogs around Apprenticeships. We looked at what it’s like for a parent/guardian, the individual thinking about becoming an apprentice and the […]
National Apprenticeship Week 2021 It’s National Apprenticeship Week, and this year the theme is Build the Future: Train, Retain and Achieve. Each year National Apprenticeship Week takes place to celebrate […]
“Coaching has been invaluable for me in developing my confidence in a more senior role, especially in helping me to identify the type of leader I want to be and […]
“I think the main way [coaching] has helped me is giving me a non-judgemental space to explore my thoughts, feelings and motivations, to question my instincts and to get the […]
“I found real benefit from the online session. I was a little worried that I wouldn’t receive any coaching before I began people managing, so was elated to hear that […]
As an experienced management coach, I faced the prospect of coaching remotely online with some trepidation.  It’s such a personal process and depends on building up a rapport with your […]
“Meeting with Sue has been brilliantly helpful for developing my business plans and also building confidence in my own abilities as a self-employed creative. Sue has been a great sounding […]
“We have a very low turnover of staff so we do not go through this process very often and wanted to get it right for us and our future employee. […]
“I met Sue at frequent intervals for updates and feedback on the courses I had completed which enabled the courses to be fine-tuned to assist people following on later. The […]
“Sue has been a tremendous help to us at WISKA, in particular she has helped me progress in my career from starting as an apprentice and becoming a manager. Sue […]
“From my point of view being a young developing manager within the warehouse sector of the business your help over the years has been invaluable. My department has been dramatically […]
A CV gives potential employers an introduction to you. Your qualifications, relevant work experience and a little bit about you, your hobbies and your interests that are relevant to the […]
If you’re thinking about starting an apprenticeship, you may have the assumption that there are a number of employers who are queuing up to employ you. Unfortunately, as with any […]
Having someone new join the team is always interesting. Giving them guidance and setting out expectations are very important, especially for an apprentice in their first job role. Your role […]
For a parent, apprenticeships may not be the first route that springs to mind for their child. In the past, Apprenticeships were mainly for vocational courses, such as mechanics, construction, […]
As it is the start of the annual National Apprenticeships Week, we thought it was a good time to share with you some of the feedback we have had about […]
Congratulations on collecting your GCSE results.  You will be the first students who have received the new number grades for Maths, English Language and English Literature.  If you have already […]
GCSE Grades As students collect their GCSE results, employers will need to understand the key changes that have happened to the grading system. In the summer of 2017, students who […]
Congratulations on achieving your results.  You have done well, worked hard and developed your skills over the last two or three years.  You now have your results, and whatever they […]

Sue Willmott Careers Consultancy

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