Opportunities in 2024
Opportunities for apprenticeships and similar training programmes continue to develop and grow year on year.
The Department for Education have recently launched a refreshed ‘Skills for Life’ campaign. Not only focusing on Apprenticeships, this initiative will look at supporting employers, adults and young people to see the ability in every individual and all organisations. It will focus on how gaining new skills can support an individual to reach their potential.
Available to over 19s are 16-week courses called Skills Bootcamps. Free and flexible, they are designed to respond to skills shortages in high growth areas.
Higher Technical Qualifications are Level 4/5 that have been assessed against employer-developed standards. This means that the skills learned through the qualifications will directly link to specific jobs, making the newly qualified individual job-ready and up to date.
Apprenticeships, including Degree-Level Apprenticeships continue to expand with new opportunities becoming available all the time. To find an Apprenticeship that will suit you, use the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education website, local training providers and colleges near you that offer Apprenticeship programmes. https://www.instituteforapprenticeships.org/apprenticeship-standards/